S.S. Engineering manufacture most economical and cost effective rotary vacuum dryers matching all
the required specications of the clients. Rotary Vacuum Dryer for easy, clean, and effective way for
drying off wet powders, wet cakes, and slurries somewhere either solvent is drying or recovered to be
performed at moderately low temperature to heat sensitive materials, we are producing exceptional
rotary dryer designs for various industrial purposes.
Rotary vacuum dryer is a horizontal cylindrical jacketed shell with hollow agitator, rotating in close
clearance. A batch operation, drying is done under vacuum, heating is through jacket. The dryer offers
a simple but effective method of drying wet cakes and sometimes slurries. Due to vacuum and
agitation, it is possible to dry heat sensitive materials.
Vessel has a central agitator with designer blades, the blades of rotary vacuum dryer are responsible
for sweeping the entire internal surface and blades also turn the material present in the dryer and all
the particles come in contact with the heated surface.
The central agitator shaft supports the bearing housing in a way that the arrangement remains
constant. The system can be cool down later by cold owing water in jacket.
The Purpose of dust Catcher / Filter is provided to prevent
carryover of dried product particles to distillate collection
system and avoiding dust particle to enter in Vacuum Pump,
dust catcher consist of lter bag mounted on the top of outlet
dryer column. The dust Catcher is provided jacket or Limpets
for heating to avoid condensation in dust Cather.
The Condensate of the Solvent is collected in the receiver of in
various capacity placed beneath the condenser.
A condenser is a heat exchanger used to condense a water
vapour /solvent gaseous substance into to a liquid state
through water cooling in so doing; the latent heat is released
by the substance and transferred to the surrounding surface
contact area of condenser tube where water is circulated.
Vacuum Pump line is given to receiver for creating a vacuum in
the dryer shell, due to vacuum moisture, solvent present in
drying material vacuum facilitate vapour forming in low
temperature which dries heat sensitive materials.
Stuffing box or mechanical Seal as per requirement and
Stuffing Box Jacket is provided for cooling to prevent burning
and Charing of Gland Rope. Which give long life to gland rope,
Gland pusher is provided with Gunmetal bush bearing, thus
ensuring minimized friction giving longer life to the (Rotor)